For early childhood mental health advocates
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KAIMH Connections

Resources for Early Childhood Mental Health Advocates

Updates |  November 2023

Highlights in this newsletter include free resources on perinatal mood disorders, FREE social emotional kits for early educators, an upcoming reflective supervision training, video of how an early learning program uses the CDC's milestone tracker, information about the annual KAIMH conference, a list of professional development opportunities that support Infant Mental Health Endorsement, and more!

Free Resources for Perinatal Mental Health

More Than the Blues is a toolkit for family services providers from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. It is designed for community-based providers, including those in home visitation programs; workers in the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program; and staff in Early Head Start, Head Start, and other child care programs. The toolkit delivers background information about depression and offers ideas that providers can use daily when helping mothers, and their families, who may be suffering from depression. 

The mission of Postpartum Support International is to promote awareness, prevention and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in every country worldwide through advocacy and collaboration, and by educating and training the professional community and the public. ​​​If you think someone may be dealing with depression and anxiety while they are pregnant or after the baby is born, you are in a unique position to help connect them to resources.

National Child & Maternal Health Education Program's purpose is to provide a forum for reviewing, translating, and disseminating new research in the field of maternal and child health. They have many resources including this handout on talking with mothers about depression and anxiety.




Thanks to funding from the Department for Children and Families KAIMH has Lakeshore Social/Emotional kits to give to early educators as a special bonus with their initial Infant Mental Health Endorsement®. These are valued at $680 and supplies are limited. If you have any questions about the IMH-Endorsement® or need assistance with your application, please contact

The Alliance for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health has scheduled three training opportunities for providers of reflective supervision. 



“Learn the Signs. Act Early.” One Director’s Story
Hear one early learning center director’s story of how her center is using “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” materials to boost providers’ professional development and to promote parent-engaged developmental monitoring.



Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University has created an infographic showing how racism can affect child development. Check out this great resource here!

Did you know that  Mind in the Making has free skill-building book tips that support children's brain development from infancy through school age? Focus and Self Control, Communicating, and Making Connections are just a few of the skills supported through these English and Spanish, interactive book readings. Go here to download your free copies. Also be sure to check out First Book, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that exclusively supports educators and program leaders serving children in need.



Save the Date - KAIMH Conference 2024 April 18-19th, Overland Park, KS



Violence and trauma are being experienced by babies, young children and families in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine to Darfur and beyond. Many families have relatives and close friends in war-torn regions who are being directly affected. ZERO TO THREE has developed several free resources for parents, caregivers and professionals who support them, that offer guidance on helping young children grieve and process traumatic experiences and enabling them to provide the best care for babies and themselves in times of war and turmoil. Check out this  article to read more.   



Check out these upcoming professional development opportunities that support your Infant Mental Health Endorsement®  from KS LEND, the Early Childhood Investigations Webinars, Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Kansas Children's Service League, and Child Care Aware.

Theoretical Foundations
Discipline with the Whole Child in Mind, Nov. 16, 2023 
Better Brains 2: Brain Development and Care of Children, Dec. 7-14, 2023
Exploring Social and Emotional Development, Dec. 7-14, 2023
Becoming Trauma Aware, Nov. 15, 2023 

Law, Regulation and Agency Policy
Darkness to Light Stewards of Children® Sexual Abuse Prevention Training, Nov. 16, 2023
Introduction to Ethics in the Early Childhood Profession, Dec. 7-14 
A Shift in Perspective: A Preventative Approach in Supporting Families and Reducing Child Abuse and Neglect, Nov. 14th, 2023 
Kansas Child & Adult Protective Services: Recognition, Reporting, & Supporting, Nov. 29, 2023 

Systems Expertise
Live Virtual: The Early Childhood Provider’s Toolkit: Resources and Connections, Dec. 7  
Recognizing and Supporting Families Experiencing Homelessness, Dec. 7-14 
Supporting Kansas Families: DCF Child Care Subsidy Program, Dec. 7-14 
ACEs and Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope, Nov. 21, 2023 
Preventing Infant Abuse with the Period of PURPLE Crying®, Dec. 5, 2023 
Making the Connection: Strong Families, Strong Businesses and Strong Communities Nov. 15, 2023 

Direct Service Skills
Building Positive Relationships, Nov. 13, 2023 
Sensory Processing in a Childcare Environment, Nov. 13 
The Power of Music as an Inclusive Tool in Early Childhood Settings, Nov. 21, 
Healing Play Strategies for Preschool Children Who Have Experienced Adversity, by Steve Gross, MSW, Nov. 29, 2023
Environments, Routines and Strategies that Support Social and Emotional Development in Young Children, Dec. 6, 2023
Child-Centered Teaching and Learning, Dec. 7, 2023 
Sensational Infant and Toddler Environments, Dec. 17, 
Healing Play Strategies for Preschool Children Who Have Experienced Adversity, by Steve Gross, MSW, Nov.29, 2023 
Understanding the Meaning of Behavior, Nov.18, 2023 
Practical Strategies to Build Resilience in Children, Dec. 7, 2023

Working With Others
Racial Equity, November 16, 2023
Beyond a Celebration: Exploring Culture in Practice, Dec. 7-14 
Power of Positive Communication, Dec 7-14 
Strengthening Families through Positive Connections, Dec. 7-14 
LGBTQIA+ Cultural Competency: Best Practices for Working with LGBTQIA+ Youth and Families, Nov. 28, 2023 

Communication is Key, Nov. 28, 2023
Bound Together with Love: Building Healthy Collaborations with Families

Observation 1: An Introduction to Observing Children, Dec. 7-14 
Practical Strategies to Build Resilience in Children, Dec. 7 

Overcoming Burnout in the ECE Workplace, by Ellen M. Drolette, December 6, 2023 
Live Virtual: Unconscious Bias: A Personal Reflection, Nov. 9 

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