For early childhood mental health advocates
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KAIMH Connections

Resources for Early Childhood Mental Health Advocates

Updates |  June 2024

Highlights in this newsletter include an article on the "cry it out" method, responding to early childhood fears, updates on the Pyramid e-learning scholarships, upcoming professional development, ways to support infant and toddler mental health, and more!

Summer Tips to Boost Children's Development



Summer is a great time to expand children's experiences and engage their learning in new ways. This article from Brookes Publishing shares ways you can transform any summer day into a rich learning experience by getting outside, reading every day, providing summer jobs around the house,  doing skill boosting games, mealtime conversations, and developmental checks. For details, check out the article here!

Four Ways to Support Infant and Toddler Mental Health



Infant and early childhood mental health, (IECMH) is defined as “the developing capacity of the child from birth to 5 years old to form close and secure adult and peer relationships; experience, manage, and express a full range of emotions; and explore the environment and learn—all in the context of family, community, and culture." In this article from the American Montessori Society, it describes two main factors that influence an infant or toddler’s mental health - attachment and personal characteristics - and four strategies to supporting IECMH: Focus on Joy, Learn to Regulate One's Own Emotions, Responding to Children's Emotions, and Fostering Independence with Limited Choices. Read more here.

Free ePyramid Model Training!

KAIMH has scholarships to cover Pyramid Model coursework, offered online through Brooks Publishing! Courses are self-paced and available on demand. Click on the flyer below to apply.



Infant Toddler Package 
Module 1: Social Emotional Development within the Context of Relationships Module 2: Responsive Routines, Environments, and Targeted Strategies
Module 3: Individualized Intervention: Determining the Meaning of Behavior and Developing Appropriate Responses

Birth to Five Package 
Module 1: Building Relationships and Creating Supportive Environments
Module 2: Social Emotional Teaching Strategies
Module 3: Individualized Intervention: Determining the Meaning of Behavior and Developing Appropriate Responses

Culturally Responsive Practices to Reduce Implicit Bias, Disproportionality, Suspension & Expulsion

Trauma-Informed Care and The Pyramid Model

Wellness: Taking Care of Yourself 

Del nacimiento a los 5 años - Paquete de Módulos ePirámide

Practices in Early Intervention

Responding to Children's Fears



Around two years of age children start experiencing fear in a new way, due to their expanding cognitive abilities to think imaginatively. Although monsters in the closet are not real, by age three their growing brains spend a significant amount of time in their imaginary world and understanding what is real and what is pretend can get tricky. So how do we support children in managing their fears in a healthy way? It is good to give children a chance to practice getting through difficult situations, but how do we do that while also providing enough support to help grow their emotional regulation skills? The Child Mind Institute article, "How to Help Children Manage Fears," suggests the approach of talk, validate, make a plan, offer encouragement, and be patient. To listen to this article or read more click here

Cry it Out?



An article by Darcia F. Narvaez Ph.D., delves into the dangers of “crying it out” and how this practice stems from a misunderstanding of child development. She states that, "Giving babies what they need is really a basic right of babies," and explains how "cry it out" is a form of need-neglect that can have many long-term effects and impact their self-regulation skills, trust, and brain development.

June-July Professional Development



Check out these upcoming professional development opportunities that support your Infant Mental Health Endorsement® from the Early Childhood Investigations Webinars, Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Kansas Children's Service League, and Child Care Aware network.

Theoretical Foundations
Child Development: Brain Building, June 17
Better Brains 2: Brain Development and Care of Children, June 20 - 27
Brain Basics, June 20 - 27
Exploring Social and Emotional Development, June 20 -27
Building Relationships with Young Children, June 24
Child Development: Brain Building, June 24
Speech-Language Development Birth to Five – IN SPANISH, June 24
Live Virtual: Rethinking Challenging Behaviors with the Brain in Mind, June 27

Law, Regulation and Agency Policy
Darkness to Light Stewards of Children® Sexual Abuse Prevention Training, June 18
Introduction to Ethics in the Early Childhood Profession, June 20 -27
Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome, June 20 - 27
Child Abuse and Neglect: Recognition, Reporting & Supporting, June 27

Systems Expertise
A Shift in Perspective: A Preventative Approach in Supporting Families and Reducing Child Abuse and Neglect, June 19
Making the Connection: Strong Families, Strong Businesses and Strong Communities, June 20
Recognizing and Supporting Families Experiencing Homelessness, June 20 -27
Understanding Family Homelessness Part 1, June 20 - 27

Direct Service Skills
Building Blocks for Supporting all Children in Inclusive Settings, June 12
Creating an Inclusive and Language-Rich Early Childhood Setting, June 18
Exploring Our World: Creating Infant and Toddler Learning Environments, June 20 -27
Observation 1: An Introduction to Observing Children, June 20 -27
FLIP IT: Transforming Challenging Behavior, June 25
Live Virtual: Purposeful Interactions, June 25
Environments, Routines and Strategies that Support Social and Emotional Development in Young Children, June 26

Working With Others
How to Support the Breastfeeding Family, June 24

Course Bundle: Family Matters, June 13 - July 18
Power of Positive Communication, June 20 - 27

ACEs and Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope, June 12
Hope: Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences, June 19
Leadership: Making Positive Changes to Your Program, June 20 -27

Mindfulness, June 13

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